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Training courses

                                                                                                                                                                                        russia.png Azerbaijani version English version

Number of lessons
Price, AZN

Administration of the 1C system:Enterprise 8"
The purpose of the course: to form a holistic view of the administration of the 1C system:Enterprise 8" and develop practical skills for installing the platform, application solutions, security servers, their administration and maintenance using various infrastructure.
The course is designed for technical specialists who have basic skills in configuring operating systems that perform 1C administration tasks:Enterprise 8".

      20   1200

Introductory course for beginners on working in the "1C: Accounting"system
This course is recommended for novice accounting professionals who want to learn how to apply accounting knowledge in the 1C: Accounting system.

      12    100

Introductory course for beginners on working in the system "1C: Salary and personnel management"
The course is recommended for those who want to get an initial knowledge of HR work and salary calculation, as well as for advanced employees of HR and accounting departments who want to choose a system for automating accounting at their enterprise.

      12    100

Professional course on accounting in the system "1C: Accounting"
This course is recommended for experienced employees of the accounting department who want to optimize their work, reduce the accounting of the enterprise to the utmost accuracy using the 1C: Accounting system.

      12    175

"1C: Əmək haqqı və İnsan Resurslarının İdarə Edilməsi" sistemində əmək haqqının hesablanması üzrə peşəkar kurs
Kurs işlərini optimallaşdırmaq və maaşlarını 1C: Əmək haqqı və İnsan Resursları İdarəetmə sistemində hesablamaq istəyən mühasibat işçiləri və maaşların hesablanması və hesablanması üzrə mütəxəssislər üçün tövsiyə olunur.


Professional course on personnel accounting in the system "1C: Salary and personnel management"
The course is recommended for employees of the HR department who want to optimize their work and keep accurate records of personnel documentation in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management system.

      12          175

Trade Management Course
The course is recommended for managers of trade enterprises, specialists of trade departments, employees of accounting services of trade enterprises who want to optimize their work in accordance with the needs of real business

